Best Books On

This blog provides reading suggestions for topic. Each blog post will get you started on the topic. Contrary to many book sugestion sites, this proviced a brief overview and a suggested reading order.

Best Books Self-Talk

What to Say When You Talk to Your Self by Dr. Shad Helmstetter is an excellent book to get you started. It focuses on identifying and eliminating negative self-talk. The book argues that statements we are told about ourselves get programmed into the bain. Every statement becomes stored in our brains and this shapes our entire world view. The statements become what we say when we talk to ourselves, and what we tell ourselves becomes reality though the following causal chain: mental programming -> shapes our beliefs -> control our attitude -> impacts our feelings -> drive our actions -> determines our results....

May 11, 2024

Best Books On Personal Finance & Wealth Building

If you are just getting serious about managing your personal finance I’d suggest reading I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi. It is a good all-round book to get started. It will get you set up to start saving and make it clear what being rich means to you. You can also consider reading Unshakeable By Tony Robins, to get you motivated about saving. It doesn’t go into as many nitty gritty details, but does provide a nice way to thinking about the stages to financial freedom....

April 13, 2024

Best Books On Stoicism

If you haven’t read any of the Stoic litterature I suggest you start with The Practicing Stoic. The book is well structured with chapers on topics like “Wealth and Pleasure” and “Adversity”. Each chapter mixes fragments of the Stoic litterature to give an overview on what the sages said on the topics. This serves as a good introduction to the different sources, so you’re better prepare when you dive into them yourself....

March 11, 2024