If you are just getting serious about managing your personal finance I’d suggest reading I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi. It is a good all-round book to get started. It will get you set up to start saving and make it clear what being rich means to you. You can also consider reading Unshakeable By Tony Robins, to get you motivated about saving. It doesn’t go into as many nitty gritty details, but does provide a nice way to thinking about the stages to financial freedom.

Once you’ve read that and have your accounts in order, you will want to start investing. There are a ton of books on this, but by far the simplest and most reasonable I’ve read is The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins. The book advocates simply buying S&P 500 and holding. This is great if you want to build wealth in the stock market without becoming a day trader.

If you’ve read and implemented at least some of the advice in theese books you should have an automated system that allocated you monthly income into budgetted accounts, one of which is an investment account that buys S&P500 each month.